There are some persistent rumors in trade Mags saying that GW MAY ( that's a big MAY ) be getting in to historical TTG. Starting with a 15mm WWII stuff...
Sound a bit familiar? no? How about Flames of War... still not ringing a bell? where you been people!
Any how, some of the designers for Gw have been meeting for a "Historical Group" frequently and the play mechanics of said game are nothing like WHF or WH40K....
Some are saying that it will be initially launched threw Forge World... others say it will be a main GW line not part of the forgotten step child specialist games division....
If they are serious about it I think FW would basically set it up for failure... to limited distribution and expensive, same for Specialist games....
As they say in poker All in or Go Home...that is the only way I see it being successful. Full support full distribution network.
It could be a good Idea but I think they may be spreading them selves too thin if it is true. It seems that they are missing dates ( nid codex....for one but that was a "Printing mistake") already and the staff is spread way out already... People are already getting very frustrated with lack of regular updates or Codexs that go a DECADE ( oh I when there) before being updated (while in the same time frame the Space marines , Britoians and Elves all get about 3 different revisions).
Are retailers going to want to devote MORE shelf space to a new GW product? The next 2 years for GW, WHFB and LOTR are said to be the major focus.... even though here in the states most people could not care about either ( sorry WHFB the plane Jane Space Marines out sell your ENTIRE LINE and the next two non marine codexs consistently by them selves).
Are you Ready for another GW game?
Look for more possibly next spring .
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